All by stephan

2012. How to earn your bread without selling your soul?

Le Centre d’écologie urbaine et Etopia invitent à une journée combinant un atelier de freeganisme avec un débat sur le travail dans la transition. La cerise sur le gâteau : un concert acoustique. Comme toujours, notre volonté est de joindre le geste à la parole…Participation gratuite, mais venez avec vos fruits et légumes pour alimenter l'atelier freeganisme.

2012. UFU Urban Farm

The French designer Damien Chivalle has put a greenhouse on top of a container housing an aquarium with fish. Their water and faeces feeds the plants in the greenhouse, which in turn purifie the water, which is then returned to the aquarium.

2012. A video documentary about the Centre

Our friend Olof Soebech runs a website called "Everyday Stories– stories of ordinary people who live extra-ordinary lives". This project tells the stories of several individuals that live in European cities and who have found their own ways to lead sustainable and meaningful lives; people that most of us can identify with and who can open our eyes and inspire us.